Be aware that some of the data products provided on this page are extremely large. These data products offered through this web page are free to use for scientific purpose. Please respect our individual requests for acknowledgements and citations which are given for each of the data products. Please also send us links to papers which make use of the data so that we can add them to the publication list. We also grant access to data products not directly provided on this webpage, so do not hesitate to contact us.

SZ products, SPT/PLANCK

SZ Lightcone

kSZ lightcone 35x35 degree, from Box0/mr, see Soergel et al. 2017
tSZ lightcone 35x35 degree, from Box0/mr, see Soergel et al. 2017
Cluster Catalogue 35x35 degree, from Box0/mr, see Soergel et al. 2017

tSZ Power Spectrum from combination of Local universe and Box1a/mr, see Dolag et al. 2016

(click to enlarge)
Full sky maps of Box0/mr for tSZ and kSZ from Coulton et al. 2021 (includig Local universe contribution).

X-ray products, eROSITA/Athena+/CHEX_MATE

eROSITA Lightcone

This are cluster and AGN catalogers from the Box2/hr (352 Mpc/h) simulation produced for the eROSITA cluster working group. It contains files for 12 outputs between z=5 and z=0. Basic properties are given for clusters (amongst them M500 and R500) and AGNs (amongst them bolometric luminosity). For more details on the meaning of the columns of the different files see their header as well as the included README file.

Download Cluster & AGN catalouge: eROSITA_cluster_agn_box2hr.tar.gz (128MB)

Please acknowledge Veronica Biffi and Klaus Dolag and cite the Magneticum Paper Hirschmann et al. 2014.

There are now new lightcones available for eROSITA. They are all based on Box2/hr (352 Mpc/h). They contain catalouges of Clusters, Galaxies and BHs as well as the photon data from unit_2 of Phox. There is a small script which allows to use SIXTE to produce an eROSITA pointing onto the lightcone given a position of an object which can be taken from the catalouge data. The included README file contains more informations and descriptions. Available are the two lightcones:

30x30 degree lightcone, z<0.2 (1100MB)

5x5 degree lightcone, z<2.1 (670MB)

Corresponding 5x5 degree tSZ lightcone map (67MB)

Corresponding 5x5 degree kSZ lightcone map (67MB)

Please acknowledge Veronica Biffi and Klaus Dolag and cite the Magneticum Papers Hirschmann et al. 2014 and Biffi et al. 2012/2013/2018.

Athena+ Pointings

Here you can find some photon files produced by PHOX from Box2/hr at redshift z=2, pointing onto a cluster with Mvir=2x1014 Msol/h. A 10ks exposure with the WFI as well as a 40ks pointing of the XIF instrument is included.

Data will be uploaded soon.


A first catalouge of clusters from Magneticum simulations which are matched in mass and redshift with the CHEX-MATE clusters was created. On the web portal, they can be selected within the restrict menue, by selecting the according cataloug. There are also individual particle cutouts, radial profiles and SB-maps created with the standard pipeline. In addition, a SZ full sky lightcone is created, so that the original selection function can be evaluated.

Galaxy catalogues, EUCLID

Galaxy Lightcone

This is a 5x5 degree field of view light-cone reaching z=2. The light-cone consists of 27 independent slices between z=0.017 and z=2.15, the geometrical configuration can be found within the included wmap.geometry.dat, which amongst other information contains the starting and ending redshift for the individual slices.

In addition to the position of clusters within the light-cone the files wmap.XXX.cluster.dat also give some basic properties of the clusters, amongst them ztrue, zobs, M500 and R500.

In addition to the position of the galaxies within the light-cone, the files wmap.XXX.galaxies.dat give also some basic properties of the galaxies, amongst them the rest frame luminosity in various bands and the star-formation rate.

The pictures on the left show as example the mass-metallicty relation (upper panel) and the color-magnitude (lower panel) taken from two different slices of the light-cone.

Additional data files give also the original, 3D positions of the clusters and the galaxies within the simulation.

For more details on the meaning of the columns of the different files see the README file which comes with the light-cone.

Download galaxy light-cone: euclid_lightcone.tar.gz (1.3GB)

Please acknowledge Alex Saro and Klaus Dolag and cite the Magneticum Papers Hirschmann et al. 2014 and Dolag et al. 2015 (in prep).

One eigth of of the sky

Similar to before, this is a 1/8th of a sky-wedge, reaching out to z=0.44679256. The wedge consist of 13 independent slices between z=0.0 and z=0.44679256, the geometrical configuration can be found in wmap.geometry.dat. For z up to 0.21372931 Box2/hr was used, for redshift above Box2b/hr was used. Note that the z=0.21372931 slice contains contributions from Box2/hr (snap 116) and Box2b/hr (snap 031). Every Box is duplicated twice along each direction to fit in the wedges, am example geometry can be found in sketch.jpg. It coontains sligly more than 30 Million galaxies.
Download the wedge: OneEightSky_z0.45_box2b_hr.tar.gz (2.7GB)

Duplicating the Box up to five times along each direction to fit in the wedges, we extended the the catalogues up to z=1.3. An example geometry can be found in sketch_outer_box.jpg. This version coontains sligly more than 450 Million galaxies.
Download the wedge: OneEightSky_z1.3_box2b_hr.tar.gz (40.3GB !)

Please acknowledge Alex Saro and Klaus Dolag and cite the Magneticum Papers Hirschmann et al. 2014 and Dolag et al. 2015 (in prep).

Full Simulation Post-processing Data





Please acknowledge Klaus Dolag and Antonio Ragagnin and cite the Magneticum Papers Hirschmann et al. 2014 and Ragagnin et al. 2017.

Multi Cosmology Runs of Box1a/mr

Post-Processing Data for Multi Cosmology Runs of Box1a/mr.
More details on the content and data format are provided in the README file.

Please acknowledge Priyanka Singh and cite Singh et al. 2020 paper.

Data and Animations for LEM

Filament 3D Animation

This is a 130Mpc long and 21Mpc in diameter cut-out of two main filaments connecting to the most massive cluster in Box2b at z=0.252 which sits at the centre of this structure. It shows the stellar component, alternated with the gas component (colour coded by the temperature).

Download movie: filament.avi (26MB)

Distribution of WHIM

This shows how the gas is distributed within that region as function of over-density and colour coded by the temperature. In addition the position and the size (Rvir) for all haloes within that region is shown.

Download movie: filament_composition.avi (62MB)

Idealized X-ray emission

This shows where photons with the different energies will originate from. Assumed is an idealized, LEM like configuration with and effective area of 2500m2 and an observing time of 4 Ms and the filament at redshift z=0.252.
Download movie: filament_phox.avi (70MB)

Please acknowledge Klaus Dolag, Ildar Kabibullin and Stephan Vladutescu-Zopp for any of the above material.